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1 Coal India Limited awards Tender of  INR 18.44 Billion approx. / 1844.85 Crore approx. for Conclusion of running contracts (rcs) and empanelment as reserve rc holders for a period of two years for supply of cartridge explosives and accessories to all the subsidiary companies of cil and nec | Completion On 31-May-2025 | Location: West Bengal | TRID: 4129594  | Like   |  Ask Expert
2 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited awards Tender of  15 Million / 1.50 Crore for Explosive license works | Completion On 30-Sep-2025 | Location: Multi State | TRID: 5108409  | Like   |  Ask Expert
3 Indian Army awards Tender for Life extension test of milan-2t missiles qty-08 (on ote) for tye year 2022-23 | Location: Delhi | TRID: 5403076  | Like   |  Ask Expert
4 Indian Army awards Tender for Invitation of quotation for life extension test of konkurs-m missiles qty-60 for the year 2023-24 | Location: Delhi | TRID: 5403087  | Like   |  Ask Expert
5 Indian Army awards Tender for Invitation of quotation for life extension test of 3ubk20 invar missiles qty-20 (on ote basis) for the year 2023-24 | Location: Delhi | TRID: 5403088  | Like   |  Ask Expert
6 Indian Army awards Tender for Invitation of quotation for life extension test of 3ubk20 invar missiles qty-30 (on ote basis) for the year 2023-24 | Location: Delhi | TRID: 5403089  | Like   |  Ask Expert
7 Indian Army awards Tender for Invitation of quotation of life extension test of konkurs-m msls qty 30 on ote basis for the year 2023-24 | Location: Delhi | TRID: 5607633  | Like   |  Ask Expert
8 Indian Army awards Tender for Invitation of quotation for life extension test of konkurs-m missiles qty-70 for the year 2023-24. | Location: Delhi | TRID: 6273538  | Like   |  Ask Expert
9 Indian Army awards Tender for Supply of support to iwp-1191, support iwp-1190. | Completion On 25-Nov-2024 | Location: Jammu-kashmir | TRID: 6765152  | Like   |  Ask Expert
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